Saturday, June 25, 2016

My fabulous first week of camp

Readers, as the title suggests, I have had a fabulous first week of camp. I have been at film camp for the past week, learning about sound, cameras, production design, and how to write a script. My group I am  making and editing a movie with is composed of four girls and one boy. We have decided to make a movie in which one of the characters sets of an explosion that destroys the outer core of the earth, leaving everyone dead exept those that were with him. All the kids have to come together to survive against a beast that is hunting them in an earth that is devoid of food and shelter. We have finished writing and storyboarding, made a list of all the costumes, props, and makeup we will need, and are generally ready to start filming Monday.
Chao for now
I will keep you updated on my movie making experience

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