Saturday, July 2, 2016

Kehinde Wiley, tolkien elvish, and a baseball game.

My week has been super busy. I meant to post on Tuesday but due to technical errors I experienced this is going to be your only blog post this week which means it is going to be long to showcase  all the cool things I was able to accomplish my second week of vacation.

Saturday 6/25
I didn't do a lot on Saturday besides cleaning and going on Pinterest for art ideas only to be sidetracked by the sheer fabulous-ness of the Harry Potter fandom. Two thing I did do however was check out some amazing books from my public library. ( Being Jazz, my life as a transgender teen by Jazz Jennings was my favorite Book I read) I love reading and I was able to get some summer reading checked of my to do list. I also decided to learn how to write Tolkien elvish from this awesome website. Even though I haven't read any Tolkien the cool characters of the elvish language intrigues me and I liked learning a "secret code" of sorts. The link to the website where I learned elvish language is at the bottom of the post .
Sunday 6/26
On Sunday I was able to see a show on Kehinde Wiley who is an amazing artist. He paints mainly African-American and minority figures in powerful stances not because of financial power but because of physical power. I loved his paintings of strong African-American women and I loved all the dresses they were wearing.  He has a very unique way of shading all the people and he has  so much detail in his work. I like that he use the element of flowers in almost all his paintings to tie them together. Overall the show was amazing and im really glad I saw it. It was really nice out so rode our bikes to the museum because we are only a few blocks away.
Monday/ Tuesday 6/27 and 6/28
I was at film camp all this week, filming and editing our movie which is about 5 friends that accidentally blow up the world. I met some really really nice people at camp and I really hope we can spend some time together later in the summer. On Monday and Tuesday we were primarily filming the movie.
Wednesday 6/29
I went to the first baseball game I had been to since coming to my adopted hometown. Our team one by two but I was mainly there for the icecream.
Thursday/ Friday 6/30 and 7/1 
Thursday and Friday I spent my days editing the movie at film camp. Editing is my favorite part of the moviemaking process. Today, Friday, everyone showed their movies and some of them were really good. My favorite was a mystery comedy about two dumb blonds who solve a mystery, save the town, and snapchat about it. I usually don't like the "dumb blond stereotype" but this movie was really funny. All the movies were 6-8 minutes long and the bloopers were the funniest parts.

On that note I leave you, at least for a little while. Tomorrow I leave for the thousand islands. I will be sure to type up a post about packing and traveling but write now I am at 1% so adios amigos.

The picture below of a photo of a portrait by kahinde Wiley was taken from wikimediascreative commons. The photo was taken by زرشک and the portait is on display at the Blanton museum. None of these groups or people endorse or have any affiliation at all with me or my blog.

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