Sunday, July 17, 2016

San Fransisco ( aka the best city on earth)

Since Friday at noon I have been in the beautiful city of san Fransisco. We passed over the golden gate bridge yesterday and it is one of the prettiest places on earth the fog rolls in over the town but you can see glimpses of all the wooden houses and the pacific ocean. The color of the bridge blends perfectly with the landscape and the mood of san Francisco. It has this amazing, artsy vibe everywhere, a cross between new york and Richmond. The culture here is extremely diverse. There are many different ethnic neighborhoods that are golden shadows into different worlds. I already love it.  I went some notable places yesterday starting with;
Union square, 7:30
I went to union square really early while there was still not too many people around and saw all the big fashion stores. I'm a bit of a fashion geek so I window shopped all the fancy-schmancy stores and wrote down all the trends I found.  I don't want to bore you too much but let's just say the patterns are across the board in, especially the flowery ones.  I grabbed a croissant from Starbucks and got a glance of the HUGE apple store( though my aunt tells me it's not that good). I didn't stock up on provisions though because I had plans at the best dim sum place in town...
Dragon Beaux 10:30
I love love love dim sum. But seriously, can anything beat it? We got to Dragon Beaux thirty minutes after it opened ant already there was a line.  The food was scrumptious and we ordered just the right amount. The price was very good and the interior design was very good. I had OK service but overall, four stars. My favorite dish was the BBQ pork bao which was surprisingly sweet and gooey. after we walked out of the restaurant, feeling very full we grabbed huge meringues at a Russian bakery and the BART to.....
Let's get a few things 'plained out here. 1. SFMOMA stands for San Fransico Museum of Modern Art ( in case you didn't already know) and also modern art is not the same a contemporary art. I goofed and thought that it was so when I got there I was just... a little confused. They have a lot of exhibitions on photography, a living wall, an outdoor sculpture garden, and an exhibition on Alexander Calder. All the art was super interesting. I went with my aunt but we had to stop looking at all the art eventually because she took us to this super hipster place for food down in mission bay...
Super hipster place in mission bay
Mission bay is this awesome new neighborhood with lots of condos and a small chic food park. They have Vietnamese, Persian, Mexican and make your own smores for free stores and it is such a pretty place. I can't remember the address but If you are in the mission bay area you should definitely check it out.

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