Wednesday, July 13, 2016

At Glass Beach!

Quick Update: I have just come back to headquarters after visiting one of the most interesting places I have ever been: glass beach in Fort Bragg. What is glass beach you might ask? Well, let me tell you the story. In the early 1900's, up until around 1970/ 1980, glass beach was known as "the dump." Locals left cars, pottery, old clothes and all manner of odd things on the beach, which eventually were eroded and washed away by the ocean. Now, the beach is filled with old sea glass, which is, for those who don't know, glass and pottery particles that have been eroded by the ocean. The pieces are really small now but they are so pretty to look at and to find specific shards that are so, so pretty. The area does not allow visitors to take the sea glass home with them but I was able to take some beautiful pictures of the glass. I highly recommend the site to tourists.

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