Tuesday, July 12, 2016


Let me tell you; I have been doing a heck of a lot of traveling. It all started on Sunday. We left the Thousand Islands were I had such a fun time with my favorite cousins who are around my age. It took us forever to pack everything up but by 10-ish we were ready to drive up to Syracuse to spend a night at my aunt and uncles. We stopped for lunch at this fabulous Neapolitan restaurant  called Peppinos Neapolitan that was so good. I ordered the margarita pizza and fried risotto and it was such good service. Then, yesterday, we drove from Syracuse to Cleveland, Ohio which took 7 1/2 hours in the car. I mainly slept, drew, and slept some more. By the time we got to Cleveland we had forty minutes to get through security and onto the plane that flew to San Francisco. Did I mention that it was 7:15 so we were super hungry? we made through security right as boarding started and just had time to grab a bagel from Starbucks. When I woke up todayIn a crappy motel we paid way too much for  I had terrible jet lag but, It was worth because we were in san fransicso. But, we weren't done in a car traveling because we were heading for the mountains near the ocean, Mendicino to be exact so we can visit some old family friends. We spent this afternoon at the beach ( the water was FREEZING!) and I was able to collect some pretty rocks that are very smooth and flat and I am planning to paint them later. We are staying in our friend's cabin which looks like something out of an HGTV magazine (in a good way). I am so excited to have fun under the sun in California. Check out my pictures of the cabin and the rocks I found. The picture of Bernie Sanders was the result of a drawing challenge on Instagram I really wanted to show you.

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