Saturday, July 9, 2016

The plans!(and other splendiferous things)

First, let me just say... Happy fourth of July! For those in America, I apologize for being so late to wish you a very merry fourth, For those in other countries, let me apologize on wish happy fourth to you at all.Staying on Wellesley island has been super relaxing. I'm a very energetic gal but just forgetting about the clock, the dates, the appointments have really set the tone for what I want the rest of my summer to be like. I'll wake up early and eat my cap'n crunch, bike down to the rocks for some early morning sunshine and the rest of my day will consist of combinations at the cove, The ice cream store, the park, the library, and the river. I could go day by day but in all reality that would be a very boring thing for anyone to read.
               One thing I will fill you in on is (don't tell my sister)... the plans! I have a really great friend that lives half-way across the country and we will finally get to see each other again this summer. I'm very excited, and for more than one reason, but the prominent one is the promise of our  club tradition. You see, every year we have the tradition of starting a new club together. One year it was the girls animal appreciation society ( GAAS) then the interior design and clothing design fashion club ( IDACD-FC), and, most recently, the meditation and yoga club ( MAY-C). This year we have KITSS ( Kingdom in the sky society), dedicated to coming up with our own magical kingdoms, filling them with castles, landmarks, and tradition, and memorizing a fantasy language. This club definitely seems like one we  will keep. In fact, I'm already coming up with concepts for my kingdom which will be called AnDalia. I have a video made on Adobe premiere and a definite idea of what the flag and interior of the castle will look like. My friend and I  are planning to build intensive plans on both of our kingdoms. I am so happy that up with a way to act like little kids again. I am even hoping to work on some sweet forts in my friend's basement. Take a look at my concept video and tell me what you think.

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