Thursday, July 28, 2016

Country camp...

It is I, with my throwback Thursday, throwing it back so far I will literally hit you into 2010. But this thowbacking has a theme: Country camp! Country camp is a camp located on a farm that contains sheep, horses, ponies,dogs, and chickens galore. The regular schedule is this; you get dropped off in your car ( they used to bus you from downtown but they stopped cerca 2012) and drive up to the machine shed where you start your day off with a craft and a story acted out by the counselors. The machine shed is country camp hq (the hq used o t be the house but the barn had more space). Then, there is some type of game such as v-tag, animals in the zoo, mafia, capture the flag, or telephone until it is lunch. After, there is free time where mainly people play with the chickens or lambs, play soccer or wait for imagination time because there is always  a storyline that all the campers follow and counselors act out. Basically it is just creative fabulousness!!!!!! I am going to just list like some of the thing I remember about the camp for example:
Favorite session: the session where we lived in England until there was a Scottish revelution and the kings and queens became fish monsters
Favorite movie: fishing for diamonds (about a failing town and an old couple who are bitter because they have never married)
Favorite movie I wasn't in: lollipop ( about a detective who ate lollipop)
The songs we sing: the country camp song, the mermaid song, darling clementine, v-tag parody, country roads
The names of pets: there are three dogs: Audrey, Hershel, and gatsby. A pony named darling( we used to be able to ride her) and a horse named emerald. The chicken names keep changing
The story of Ned: Ned the chicken died on visitors day, the cursed visitors day. There was and attempt at a burial but there wasn't enough time so they tried to drown him in the lake. That didn't work either so people saw the chicken floating in the pond
Well known hand games: SIGGI, Tarzan, concentration, snickers, macaroni, and quack-deli-osa.
My favorite craft: rock people
My favorite free time activity: sand box, chickens.
My favorite imagination time game: sword fighting

That is all

(Inside joke^^^)

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