Friday, July 22, 2016

Iowa city

How do I describe Iowa city? It is such a small town but to tell you everything I know about it would take to long and I would still forget some places. Iowa city is like my second home and I would like to say I know it like the back of my hand but honestly, I probably Know it better then that. Where do I start? I guess it starts at the Northside which is a part of the city with cobblestone streets that bumble and rumble and old, wooden houses. There is a school three blocks away from the house I am staying at and a playground next to that but, if you are a playground elitist you could try hickory hill park which is only six block away. I have no sense of direction but I know if you travel one way you will hit the university campus and near that all the many, varied downtown shops, local and chains. The bookstore prairie lights, noodle and company, the library, three different consignment/vintage stores, a record shop, a theater, etc. There is a parking lot which plays host on Saturdays to the farmers market, which is across from the co op. This is getting complicated. Let's see. Somewhere there is a wellness center, an old, old dairy quenn and a bike ramp near a highway. Somewhere else there is a pool where you are sure to see at least one of your friends, which is also near other university buildings. I know there is a capitol mall downtown, a small mall/movie theater out near the bakery Deluxe and a large mall ( it has a Target!!!) and a super fancy pants pool out in Coralville. Most children are predetermined to dislike Coralville because all moms, ever, hate driving out there but it has a fabulous carousel I always sneak onto although I am most certainly to old for it. I think I went over the basics over the city that I really wanted to share with you. Iowa city is such a fabulous town and some of my friends can't see this, blinded by the prospect of a small town that nobody has heard of. Tell me in the comments if I you think I did a good job describing the town.

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