Monday, July 4, 2016

The arrival.

Readers, we are here in upstate New York, or to be more specific, Thousand Island Park. We arrived yesterday after 4 hours of driving through Pennsylvania in a hot, stuffy car, which somewhat dampened my spirits. The first thing we did was jump into the Saint Laurence River which was cold but felt good on my skin after a long day of traveling. My sister was too chicken to jump in but she says she will jump in today.
     The river is amazing. There is a wooden dock to jump off and it's one of the main reasons I love coming here. On Saturday's and Sunday's when it's sunny there are so many kids jumping off, including me. My sister almost never jumps off the dock because she likes to test out the water and then slowly slide into the cold, watery abyss.
     We also got ice cream from the guzzle which is the best candy store ever!!! They sell Swedish fish, Ice cream, airheads, etc. My favorite thing to buy there are the mystery bags which are brown paper bags filler with mystery candy. Right now the guzzle takes the form of a little green truck but that's because a few years ago the actual store front burned down.
     I'm so excited for today. I've already ridden my bike all around the pretty houses nearby and spent some quality time at the rocks, a collection of, you guessed it, rocks , near the house we are staying. They are right next to the river so I was able to get my feet wet and the view is so pretty I just had to take some pictures. I like going down there way way way early in the morning to go and meditate and do "yoga" though I'm pretty pathetic at both. I stopped by the library, (it wasn't open) the park, ( lots of people) and all over (gravely roads) but the best is yet to come. After lunch I'm planning to go down to the dock for a swim, and drag my sister with me.

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