Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Pie face!!

Let me just fill everybody in, I am in Iowa City, Iowa and I am going to a super fun camp, Country camp which I will post more about on Thursday so check back on this website in two days when I will be sharing all the details and funny stories of country camp. (  I have been doing this camp for...seven year now.) But, today My blog post is not about camp but instead about the game.... pie  face! which, for me, is a pretty accurate and explanatory name of what the game details. You may have seen the game advertised on television and at first, I thought that the game was a total rip off and probably not for me since they advertise three and four years playing the game. But, after having fun with the game I have a list of pros/cons of the game. 

The setting of the scene: My friends here have all been going to camp with me and when Laura mentioned that her pie  face game had just arrived. I was driving home with her, my sis, and my other two friends, Grace, and Becca whose names you will hear crop up a lot. we made an executive design to drive to Laura's house and play the game.

The way the game works: The way the game works is like this. The players go around in a circle, spinning a spinner that contains the numbers 1-5 and cranking up the board device so that the hand holding the  whipped cream slowly rises. Eventually, one person will get hit in the face with whipped cream. 

- getting hit with whipped cream in your face is very fun
- If you wish, the whipped cream can be eaten off your face
- It is fun to play with friends, because of the suspense and laughter.

- playing by yourself does not seem much fun
- whipped cream does not come with the box so every time you wish to play you must have whipped cream stored in your fridge.
- the whipped cream can cause a mess

Overall I really enjoyed playing this game. What about you? Have you played Pie In the 
ace or do you want tO? comment below your opinion

* the picture is an old version of the game *

*all names of people have been changed to protect the identity of those people*

* this photo was taken and uploaded by Tengrain on flicker as part of the creative commons. They do not support, endorse, or know me in any way. the license

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