Tuesday, July 19, 2016


The YBCA stands for the Yerba Buena Center for the arts and right now it has a very thought provoking show called " take this hammer" about social activism art made in the bay area. The artists presented in the show comment on a wide range of subjects. Air BnB, drone strikes, racism fueled police encounters, deportation, the 1% percent, etc. I absolutely loved the show. It was my favorite exhibition at the  center.
I visited the museum on Thursday with my family after eating Mexican food and I was awed by the sheer architecture of the museum. There was a small show that was my second favorite that was an exhibition of consisting of latex molds of old industrial warehouses hung by the ceiling that was huge. Latex is a stretchy material and you really felt like were inside a chimney at some points. My mum also pointed out that the entire art piece was breathable, flexible and that  it was a good piece for a museum because it could easily be hung up, taken down and shipped back to the artist.
but let's get back to the " take this hammer" exhibition. If anyone in California has not seen it I highly recommend you too, whether you agree with the statements made or not. There was this wall of semi-new? semi-old ( 2011) posters on the one percent, deportation, feminism and non-GMO rights. The posters also focused on rights and issues that many minority race  groups had to go through in America where even though we elected a black president there are now extreme numbers of racists , fascists , and misogynists. The posters were beautiful works of artwork and very well made.
There was a section of posters and videos on the black lives matter movement, too. There was a wall that had coloring sheets and artists had drawn, showing pictures of the African-American men and women that had been killed in police confrontations in the last few years, rainbow printed and put up in a slight pattern. Only by looking at the artwork at a different angle could you understand it's true beauty.
I also saw the Yerba Buena Martin Luther King Jr. waterfall memorial. It was very pretty and beautiful except for the fact that I saw Starbucks cups and flyers lying on the ground, even though  there was clearly places to dump compost, recyclables, and landfill trash which made me feel bad about human civilization and what humans were doing to the earth that I put together a short movie on it for fun because I love making and editing short clips. I could not get it on to this site so unfortunately you will not be able to see it

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