Tuesday, August 2, 2016

the disgusting Hardees commercial

I am super sorry for the inactivity I have been really busy at camp this week and with my friends because we tend to stick like glue.I have decided to me more efficient about this blog and get some stuff done, specifically, write two posts a week. today's post: Hardees, specifically the Hardees commercial.


I try not to bring politics or discussion of ethics onto this blog because I want to respect everybody opinions but this is just too much.  I don't deny that I am a ( little bit) feminist but I don't think that matters with the material in question. Hardee's new commercial for their bacon thick burger shows three women in string bikinis sexily biting into bacon and features shots of the hips and "gluteus maximises" ( buts)  swaying and their breasts. It is utterly disgusting. women earned the right to vote in 1920 , almost one hundred years ago and had to fight to be able to work in the same jobs as men did, to be able to wear pants, and are still fighting for equal pay today. Women, whether they be Black, White, gay, straight, minority, majority, Christian, Jewish, atheist, republican, democrat, pro-choice or pro-life, have brains and thoughts. All women are living people capable of emotion, thoughts, feelings , and actions. This Hardee's commercial treats women like they are sex objects. This should not be happening in an America that gave women the vote almost a hundred years ago!! has this society not accepted women in those a hundred years enough to be fine with an  obviously disgusting, sexist, piece of trash? I am so upset that this would even be allowed on television. this is a historical moment of shame for American culture. This Is a legal truth, a promise, a swear , right here, right now: I will not eat Hardees as long I live unless,  they  fully apologize for this trash, stop showing it online and, furthermore, fire their CEO for letting the ad be broadcast.

Thank you for your time.

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