Sunday, August 14, 2016

I'm at the beach! ( blog #17)

I  woke up feeling just great for one simple reason, yesterday we arrived at the beach and our plans are to stay for a week in a house with our close friends. we are right on the water and ten minutes away from the beach. The house has enough room for everybody and I have already settled into a nice routine. In the morning I take a short run with my friend Amaya, then head back to settle into a morning breakfast and a short walk to the hammock overlooking the water to relax and plan for the things I plan to do. We usually spend the majority of the day at the beach, boogie boarding. There are a lot of ice cream shops and bookstores we like to pop into and I have gotten my friends hooked onto project runway, my favorite reality tv show.  I'm really excited for this trip and I will share anything interesting right here on the blog, such as the fact that we have been able to start painting rocks and shells with some of my paint or that I got sunburned right under by eye. blog later,

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